Event fields
Learn about manually recording events in DoubleLoop.
Here's a quick explanation of each event field. All of the fields are optional except for the title, data, and importance.
Event title. The headline that appears wherever the event info is displayed. Example: "Homepage redesign went live."
When did the event occur. The date of the event. Example: the date the product enhancement was released.
Importance. The significance of the event. It determines how prominently the event is displayed in some views.
Impact. When you set the impact for an event, it will appear as an annotation in the timeline on the workstream and all events pages. Positive impact displays in green. Negative impact displays in red.
Summary. A description of the event.
Goal / Hypothesis. When applicable, explain why the change was made. For example: "Our hypothesis is that, by making the button bigger, the conversion rate will increase."
Results. After time passes, you can record the impact of the change. Example: "The conversion rate increased from 2% to 3%.
Type. Record if the change was a fix, enhancement, chore, improvement, etc..
URL title. A call-to-action to learn more about the event. Example: "Watch the demo!"
URL. The URL where you can learn more, corresponding with the URL title.
Labels. Make it easy to find the event later or add the event to a workstream that filters by label.
Contributors. List the people who worked on the change; the PM, engineer, designer, etc. Give props!
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